Public Space Protection Orders extended in Horsham

They first came into effect in 2018

Author: Adam GoacherPublished 6th Apr 2021

Horsham District Council has announced an extension to Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) across the district.

The Order first came into effect on 1 April 2018 and ended on 31 March 2021 but as of Thursday they're staying.

PSPOs aim to deal with problems in particular area, that's detrimental to the local community's quality of life.

The conditions in force across the whole of Horsham District are:

  • Clean up dog fouling
  • Keep dogs under control
  • No anti-social use of vehicles
  • No nuisance behaviour relating to alcohol
  • No intoxication or possession of psychoactive substances

In Horsham Town Centre additional conditions are:

  • No unauthorised access or nuisance behaviour on buildings or street furniture
  • No unlicensed busking
  • No drinking of alcohol in The Causeway, Gardens of Remembrance and Mill Bay areas
  • No anti-social behaviour or nuisance behaviour in car parks and stairwells
  • Breaking a Public Space Protection Order is a criminal offence and carries a maximum penalty of up to £1,000.
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