Plans to replace burnt down nightclub in Hastings unveiled

The plans to redevelop the site on George Street follow the Saturdays nightclub being destroyed in January

Author: Huw Oxburgh, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 24th Oct 2023

A developer has put in plans to redevelop the former Old Town Amusements site in Hastings. 

In an application recently validated by Hastings Borough Council, Oasis Developments Hastings Ltd is seeking planning permission to erect a four-storey mixed use development at 39 to 41 George Street. 

In all, the proposed scheme would provide 14 apartments, six holiday lets and four new commercial units, with shop fronts at the ground floor.

Although most of the site has already been cleared — following a devastating fire at the property in January — the application seeks further permission to demolish most of 41 George Street, a Grade II listed building. The developer says the building’s facade would be retained, however.

As a result, the design of the scheme appears to be very different from architectural drawings previously associated with the property. 

In documents submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the developer said: “The project will take a much maligned and unattractive building with redundant uses and transform it into a high quality piece of architecture that will further enhance the area through its provision of holiday let and other accommodation.”

The statement adds: “The design has been carefully considered to uphold and enhance the character of George Street through using building forms and materials that are intended to allow it to seamlessly blend into its context, particularly in light of its historical context and significance as a conservation area. 

“The intention to avoid pastiche will allow the building to be read as a new historical layer in the street, while still merging and complementing the adjoining historic buildings through the use of fenestration and finishes. 

“After careful consideration and comments from consultees and the local community, the facade of the existing Grade II listed building at 41 George Street is proposed to be retained and integrated with the proposed development.”

The developers do not intend to provide any affordable housing on site and are asking to provide a financial contribution instead.

According to the developer’s own calculations, this financial contribution would only come to a little over half the cost of a single affordable unit. 

This is partly because the developer intends to apply vacant building credit to the development and partly because the six holiday lets would not contribute towards the overall number of dwellings under the borough council’s own planning policy. 

The site would not include any off-street parking for residents. 

At time of publication, no public comments associated with the application have yet been published.