New service to work with perpetrators of stalking in Sussex

It's been set up with a Government grant of almost ÂŁ100k

Author: Ryan BurrowsPublished 30th Nov 2020

A pioneering intervention programme is being set up in Sussex to work with perpetrators of stalking, in an effort to get them to change their behaviour.

The initiative, the first of its kind for Sussex, will aim to improve responses to stalking across the criminal justice system and the health sector, working with private mental healthcare providers to develop a bespoke intervention for stalking perpetrators.

It's been achieved with a grant of ÂŁ98,000 from the Government, secured by the county's Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, herself a victim of stalking.

Stalking is a relentless crime driven by fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repeated behaviours that causes prolonged suffering for victims.

On average, stalking campaigns last for up to two years and, because research shows that 94% of domestic homicides were preceded by stalking behaviour, it is vitally important to prevent these crimes from escalating.

Sussex Police has seen a 300% increase in victim referrals over the last five years.

The force has also issued the most Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs) of any in the country since they were introduced in January, with 29.

An SPO can also mandate that a perpetrator attends a behavioural-change programme, but this is not currently possible because there are no appropriate intervention programmes in place - something the new system aims to change.

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said:

“Stalkers display complex characteristics that are, arguably, unlike that of any other type of perpetrator.

"The fixated nature of a stalker demonstrates a deep-rooted, psychological obsession with their victim that we know a usual criminal justice sanction won’t always deter or stop.

“Previous research has found that over half of stalking perpetrators go on to re-offend, repeatedly breaching court orders put in place to protect their victims.

“I’m pleased that we have been successful in our bid for funding so that we can begin to identify and properly address the root causes of stalking behaviours and fill the current gaps in our response to these heinous crimes.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

Stalking is a distressing crime and we’re determined to stamp it out.

“In January, I introduced Stalking Protection Orders which protect victims and address the perpetrator’s behaviour at the earliest opportunity, and I’m encouraged to see Sussex Police using these powers.

“This additional funding will enable Sussex Police to continue leading the way in tackling stalking, and partners to go even further in fighting this disturbing crime.”

Over the last year, local Sussex stalking advocacy service, Veritas Justice, supported 1,085 victims.

They have seen steady increases in referrals since they began supporting victims in 2016 and know first-hand the complex and challenging nature of these crimes.

Director Claudia Ortiz fully supports the introduction of perpetrator interventions, saying:

“This is very welcome news and a crucial part of the development of our response to stalking in Sussex. We hope that by addressing stalkers' behaviour at the earliest possible opportunity it will mean that current victims of stalking will be safer and will also prevent future victims from being targeted in the first place.

“Most victims of stalking tell us that they just want the stalking to stop, so it is of paramount importance that we adopt a multiagency approach and improve our understanding of the complex psychological issues that drive and sustain stalking behaviour to provide interventions beyond the criminal justice outcomes to reduce reoffending and revictimisation.”

The proposed intervention programme will aim to gain a better understanding of mental health problems associated with stalking. The countywide pilot intends to assess risk, gain understanding of psychological drivers, with an aim of finding a way to stop stalking behaviours altogether."