Horsham's Thursday market makes a return

It's being trialled for the first time since lockdown

Published 1st Oct 2020

Thursday markets are making a comeback in Horsham for the first time since lockdown today (October 1st).

A small but high quality choice of street food and fresh produce stalls will occupy the Carfax bandstand area each Thursday in October as a pilot.

Horsham District Council has brought back the scheme after feedback from user surveys, with plans to keep it going in subsequent weeks if the trial proves successful.

Food Rocks Director, Simon Teasdale explained:

“If we can generate sufficient custom we would love to return to Thursday Markets as a permanent feature.

“With so many people now working from home, we are encouraging workers to have a break and pop in to town for some exciting hot street food offers and fresh local produce.

“To give everyone a chance to fit a visit to the market in with their busy schedules our traders all now offer click and collect and for the first time an early evening take away menu.”

Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for the Local Economy, Cllr Paul Clarke said

“It’s great that Horsham Markets are back on Thursdays and building on the highly successful click and collect and home delivery services they operated at the height of the COVID -19 lockdown.

“I urge people to come into Horsham town to try some of this great street food on Thursdays while they can”.

Cllr Peter Burgess, Cabinet Member for Horsham Town Centre added:

“The return of Thursday markets is very welcome indeed and very much adds to the atmosphere of a market town like Horsham.

“I look forward to seeing as many people as possible both during the daytime and in the early evening, taking the time to sample the many goods on offer.”

All traders and their pre-order details are available at the Horsham Markets website.