Discarded cigarette likely cause of Brighton hotel fire

The Royal Albion was destroyed in July's blaze

Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton destroyed in July fire
Author: Emma SmithPublished 12th Oct 2023

A huge fire at the Royal Albion Hotel was likely caused by a discarded cigarette, an investigation has revealed. The fire broke out at the hotel in Brighton on July 15 and left the hotel entirely destroyed.

The East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service investigation said the fire was accidental and likely the result of a discarded statement. The fire service issued further advice to businesses on ensuring their premises have up-to-date fire risk assessments to prevent such incidents from reoccurring.

15 fire engines attended the blaze with crews travelling from both East and West Sussex. A road closure was also put in place along Kings Road from West Street along to Steine Street and the Old Steine for the duration of the fire and for days in the aftermath.

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