Decision due on major Hellingly housing plans
Plans include building up to 360 homes on land to the east of Park Farm in New Road
Proposals for a major housing development in Hellingly are set for consideration by Wealden planners next week.
On Thursday (October 5), Wealden District Council’s Planning Committee North are set to consider an outline application seeking permission to build up to 360 homes on land to the east of Park Farm in New Road.
While the site falls outside of Hellingly’s development boundary, the scheme is being recommended for approval as a result of the council’s housing supply shortage.
In a report to be considered by the committee, a council planning spokesman said: “The development accords with all the relevant planning policies in the adopted development plan with the exception of the two policies … which for the reasons set out in the report are given very limited weight.
“There are no adverse impacts of the development that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development proposal. Therefore, the presumption in favour of sustainable development is applicable.
“In light of that and whilst noting the comments from all consultees and those who have lodged representations, it is recommended that outline planning permission be granted.”
This view is not shared by Hailsham Town Council, which objects to the scheme. The town council argues the scheme would be an ‘overdevelopment’ of the site and that no development should go ahead until local highways upgrades are in place.
Objections have been raised by a small number of local residents on similar grounds.
Southern Water has said it can accommodate the housing within its sewerage system.
As an outline scheme, applicant Catesby Strategic Land is only seeking permission for the principle of development, with all matters other than access to be determined at a later date.
However, officers are recommending that planning permission be tied to a legal agreement which would fix in place several other elements of the scheme.
These include the provision of affordable housing, two on-site sports pitches, a children’s playground, community allotments and an extension to Hellingly Country Park. The legal agreement would also secure highways improvements and money for bus services.
The site is the second parcel of land associated with Park Farm to seek planning permission for housing development. The first, land to the west of Park Farm, was granted planning permission for up to 370 homes in April 2021.
Both sites were previously identified as housing development sites within the now withdrawn submission Wealden Local Plan.
The scheme had previously been due for discussion at the committee’s last meeting on September 7, but the application was deferred without discussion as the meeting began.