Concern for West Sussex midwifery students as pandemic continues

The Royal College of Midwives has been talking to students.

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 14th Oct 2020

There are worries for student midwives in West Sussex, who are falling into debt whilst heading onto wards early.

The Royal College of Midwives have been looking at the impact of the pandemic on students.

Student midwives in England, who must pay tuition fees and take out maintenance loans to cover living costs, will have, on average, a debt of £41,000 when they qualify.

Even for those who receive a training bursary, the financial future is bleak, the RCM say.

Meanwhile, 91 per cent of student midwives in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland said their training bursaries were not enough to live on.

Gill Walton, Chief Executive of the RCM, said:

"Our student midwives should not be facing a triple threat of debt, worry and an unpredictable job market Unlike other students, the demanding nature of their course mean they have little opportunity to seek part-time work to supplement their income.

"They have a longer academic year, they work nights, weekends and bank holidays, and are often on-call to go in a at a minute's notice.

"They show incredible dedication to their chosen career and there is an overwhelming case to give them better financial support, and to ensure they get jobs in our NHS when they qualify."

The pandemic's impact on student midwives cannot be underestimated.

The RCM found that 96 per cent of student midwives reported having mild or moderate mental health problems since the pandemic began.

Their survey shows that by the end of July just 36 per cent of students in their final year of midwifery training had been offered a job in the NHS.

At the same time, midwifery educator numbers are not keeping pace with the rise in student midwife numbers, potentially leaving students less supported throughout their training.

Gill Walton added:

"Throughout the pandemic student midwives have made enormous efforts, working in our maternity services while also continuing their studies.

"At the same time the pandemic has disrupted midwifery education heavily. Some UK governments and institutions are doing better than others, but most are selling our student midwives short.

"They need to step up and ensure we continue to have the best educated, best prepared new midwives in the world. They are the future carers of mothers, babies, and families and we must invest in them."

If you need support, you can find out what the RCM can offer here.