Almost 200 arrested in July by Surrey and Sussex police as part of nationwide road safety campaign

The campaign called Operation Spotlight aims to highlight the causes of fatal collisions on our roads

Published 31st Aug 2024

In July, more than 2,000 fixed penalty notices were issued, alongside 188 arrests by Sussex and Surrey police.

The aim is to highlight the 'fatal five' factors which are considered the main causes of serious injury or fatal collisions on our roads.

These include: dangerous or careless driving, driving while distracted such as by using a mobile phone, drink or drug-driving, driving at excess speed, and not wearing a seatbelt.

The nationwide campaign is called ‘Operation Spotlight’.

It is supported by Maria Dennis, the mother of 11-year-old Harry Dennis, who was tragically killed by a dangerous driver in East Sussex.

July is reported one of the worst months for these collisions on our roads in the UK.

Surrey and Sussex Roads Policing Unit (RPU) Chief Inspector Chris Tinney said, “the roads are busier due to summer holidays and days out, and with more vulnerable road users such as motorcyclists, cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians on the road. It is all the more reason to drive safely and be more vigilant.

“During the campaign we heard the experience of Maria Dennis, who spoke eloquently about the devastating consequences for her family and the ongoing impact of an entirely preventable collision.

“We want to prevent other families having to experience the same heartache,” said Chief Inspector Tinney.