£20k raised for Horsham Covid-19 community groups

Volunteers have been helping the district's most vulnerable during lockdown

Author: Ryan BurrowsPublished 1st Sep 2020

Around £20,000 has been raised to help with funding for community volunteer hubs and groups across the Horsham district during the coronavirus lockdown.

The community volunteer hubs were established by local community groups, parish and neighbourhood councils, social media groups and Horsham District Council for the vulnerable of the Horsham District who were self-isolating during the pandemic.

The funds were allocated to the District’s Community Hubs on a weekly basis to help residents.

Volunteer Hubs have been hard at work across Horsham during the lockdown

Hubs used their proportion of the funds raised for a range of support, including:

• Supplying food and other items on behalf of someone unable to pay

• Covering the cost of prescriptions or medication on behalf of someone unable to pay

• Transport costs related to providing help

• Stationery and administrative resources in operating a volunteer community hub

• Buying material to make mouth coverings to government advised specifications.

Commenting on the success of the appeal, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Community Matters and Wellbeing Cllr Tricia Youtan said:

“We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their fantastic support in donating to this appeal.

“These contributions have made, and continue to make, a real difference to vulnerable people in Horsham District and have greatly helped our Community Hub volunteers who have worked tirelessly to help those who have been self-isolating in our communities at such a difficult time.

“We extend our thanks to the army of volunteers who district-wide gave up so much of their time to help people who were shielding in their homes in such unprecedented circumstances.”

The support appeal was made possible operationally by registered charity The Hub Beeding and Donorfy who provide award-winning fundraising software to non-profit organisations across the UK.