Woking man jailed for child sex offences

He admitted making indecent images of children after being convicted of the same offence.

Author: Josh KerrPublished 30th Oct 2020

A Woking man who made indecent images of children has been jailed after doing it again.

Wojciech Kurzawa pleaded guilty to the offences and breaching the sexual harm prevention order issued following his original conviction last year.

Officers had found he looked at the images after they installed monitoring software on his computer and seized a number of other devices.

The 45-year-old will spend two years and ten months behind bars.

Wojciech Kurzawa, 45, from Woking, pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children and three breaches of his sexual harm prevention order when he appeared at Guildford Crown Court last Thursday (22 October).

Kurzawa was convicted of three offences of making indecent images of children when he appeared at Guildford Crown Court on 4 June 2019. He was issued with a sexual harm prevention order as part of his sentence on 27 August 2019.

The conditions prohibited him from using any device or computer capable of accessing the internet.

PC Callum Darby, who investigated the offences, said: “Kurzawa had already been convicted of making indecent images of children and was bound by the conditions of his sexual harm prevention order, which he has blatantly disregarded.

“The prison sentence he has received today demonstrates that such disregard will not be tolerated.”