Shop local but shop safe this Christmas in Hampshire

We're being reminded to maintain social distancing when shopping locally

Author: Charlotte FisherPublished 11th Dec 2020

We're being encouraged to support local businesses in Hampshire this festive season, while ensuring they stay safe.

Councillor Keith Mans, Leader of Hampshire County Council and Chair of the Local Outbreak Board, said:

“As shops and eateries open again and the build-up to the festive season begins in earnest, this is a fantastic time to visit the high street and local shops. The recent national restrictions during November came at a traditionally busy time of year for retailers, and at what would normally be one of their more prosperous periods.

"Many businesses innovated, offering collection services or takeaways, determined to keep going for their customers. Shopping locally where possible supports Hampshire’s economy and is crucial in helping our county to recover as we head into 2021.

“Local businesses are working hard to make changes and accommodate the guidelines to keep us safe while we’re out and about, and we will all need to be patient sometimes to maintain a safe social distance. It’s only by working together and following the rules that we can help reduce the spread of the virus and keep Hampshire safe – remember hands, face, space.”

With only 14 shopping days until Christmas, buying local this festive season will be a huge boost to businesses rebuilding from the coronavirus pandemic.

Many shops, cafes and restaurants have reopened following the end of national restrictions and residents are being urged to support them while following COVID-19 guidelines.

Hampshire is currently in Tier 2 (High). Guidance about the tier restrictions can be found online.

Retailers can find social distancing guidance online about signage and street markings to help manage queues.

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