RSPCA pup to spend first Christmas in his forever home in Guildford

Last Christmas Jensen was in the care of the RSPCA Millbrook Animal Centre in Chobham

Jensen was just six weeks old when he arrived at the charity as his owners were struggling to cope
Author: Grace McGachyPublished 22nd Dec 2020

An adorable puppy who was brought into the RSPCA last year is spending his first Christmas at his forever home in Guildford.

Six-week-old Staffie cross pups Jasmine, Jack, Jacob, Jonny, and Jensen arrived at the RSPCA’s Millbrook Animal Centre, in Chobham on 11 December last year.

Their owners - who hadn’t planned a litter - were struggling to cope.

In January this year, the litter found loving homes.

Jensen and some of his siblings when they first arrived at the RSPCA at six weeks old.

Jensen was rehomed to Dawn Walker in Guildford and little did she know he’d help her through the looming coronavirus lockdown:

“I’d been looking for another dog after my dog Sabe, a labrador cross who I adopted from the RSPCA four years ago, sadly passed away.

"I’d lost him the summer before so I’d been without a dog for six months and I was really lonely.

"We’ve always had dogs, they’ve always been in my life so I was really quite sad without a dog. Jensen was the third dog I’d seen and liked but the others had been snapped up.

“Me and the other adopters for his brothers and sisters all turned up to see them on the same day! Jensen and I got on ever so well and he was such a gorgeous little thing.”

Jensen (now eight months old) with his owner Dawn

Dawn, who worked as a home carer before becoming a volunteer rehoming co-ordinator at Millbrook, has Crohn’s disease so she has had to self-isolate throughout the Coronavirus crisis:

“Jensen has become such a lifeline to me this year.

"Self-isolating has been tough so it’s been fantastic to have Jensen by my side keeping me company.

"He is my constant companion and I’m very grateful to him.

"He’s such a friendly dog.

"Every time he sees a human or another dog he just wants to say hello, he’s so sociable which has been difficult with Coronavirus as he doesn’t understand that he can’t go over and say hello.”

“I’ve always brought my dogs stockings filled with dog treats and toys and an advent calendar so Jensen will certainly be getting spoiled this year!"

On Christmas Day last year, there were 605 dogs in RSPCA care.

There were 769 dogs rescued throughout December - that’s 24 a day.

This winter, the RSPCA expects to rescue thousands of animals from neglect and they are asking for the public's support.

Jensen is going to have a very happy Christmas in his new home