Covid marshals to enforce rule of six fail to take off in Surrey

Councils seemed to be unsure of what was expected of them.

Students travelling in Wiltshire Council's dedicated school and college transport will be affected by the rule change
Author: Local Democracy Reporter Julie ArmstrongPublished 22nd Sep 2020

Boris Johnson’s idea of councils deploying Covid marshals to enforce the rule of six has so far failed to take off in Surrey.

When the prime minister announced the stricter restrictions last week he said: “We will boost the enforcement capacity of local authorities by introducing Covid secure marshals to help ensure social distancing in town and city centres.”

But councils are no clearer about what exactly they are supposed to do or how they will be funded.

As the law stands the police are the only body with powers to arrest people gathering in groups greater than six.

Councils seemed to be unsure of what was expected of them and Elmbridge Borough and Surrey Heath Borough said they were waiting for more Government advice.

A Woking Borough Council spokesperson said: “There are no current plans to employ Covid-19 marshals.”

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council said advice they had received from government has been vague but for the last four weeks as shops reopened they have diverted six existing members of staff to street marshal roles.

They say the marshals are “needed to support the community during the recovery period” and the aim is “to provide a reassuring presence”.

They report back any queuing or signage issues and answer questions from shoppers and businesses but are not making any interventions.

They can be seen in high vis vests in the Ashley Centre shopping mall and the high streets of Epsom, Ewell and Stoneleigh.

A council spokesperson said: “Feedback from the local community has been very positive. The public have told us that they have felt reassured by the visual presence of council staff and also that they have someone to talk to regarding any concerns.”

Surrey’s police and crime commissioner David Munro told the recent police and crime panel it was up to local authorities to recruit marshals but the police were the only body with enforcement powers at the moment.

Mr Munro said enforcement was a last resort for the force, after trying encouragement, education and explanation.

He said: “If a lot of people don’t obey the rules then we’re going to be pressed.

“There are over a million people in Surrey, there are some 1,900 police officers, you do the maths. We police by consent and that’s been successful up to now.

“We do have teeth, but I do believe we can rely on the good sense of the overwhelming majority to obey the law.”

Police can disperse any social gatherings of more than six and fine individuals involved £100, doubling up to a maximum of £3,200 for repeat offences.