Man groomed 13 year old girl for a month before sexually abusing her in Cobham

The incident happened in August of this year

Author: Grace McGachyPublished 1st Dec 2020

A man who groomed a 13 year old girl for a month before sexually assaulting her in Cobham now faces jail.

21 year old Alex Cadwell of Greenacres Avenue in Uxbridge appeared in court yesterday (30 November) and was found guilty of sexual activity with a child and other sexual offences.

Cadwell was arrested on 30 August after a report of a rape involving a 13 year old girl.

This was reported to police on 24 August and took place in the toilets to the rear of the British Legion on Hollyhedge Road.

For a month Cadwell had groomed the victim online, inciting them to commit sexual acts before meeting face to face.

He then engaged in sexual activity with the victim.

Cadwell was identified, arrested and interviewed by Surrey Police.

His digital devices were seized and the investigation revealed extensive online grooming of the victim and other offences involving other victims.

Cadwell was charged and on 18 October 2019 remanded in custody until the trial.

He appeared at court yesterday (30 November) where he was found guilty of:

He had previously plead guilty to

Cadwell will appear at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, 22 January 2021 for sentencing.