Hampshire urged to comply with Tier 2 rules when lockdown ends

The County Council's leader says it is "vitally important that we continue to follow the rules"

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 28th Nov 2020

Hampshire residents are being urged to comply with new coronavirus restrictions next week, when it enters Tier 2 after the national lockdown ends.

It comes after the announcement on Thursday (26 November) that most of the country, including Hampshire, will be placed in the top two tiers from Wednesday 2 December.

It means households will not be able to mix, the rule of six has to be followed in outside settings, and only pubs serving food can stay open.

The county council's leader, Keith Mans, has asked people to cooperate:

"The decision to place Hampshire in the COVID-19 High Tier (Tier 2) is not unexpected but is a reflection of the fact that we still have some way to go in controlling the virus.

"It is vitally important that we continue to follow the rules to help keep the virus under control as we head further into winter.

"My sincere thanks to all Hampshire residents for their resilience and co-operation during the recent period of national restrictions.

What we all do makes a big difference, and it is only by working together and following the rules that we can continue to protect ourselves, our communities and our loved ones."

The dos and don'ts of Tier 2:

  • You must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place
  • Make sure indoor spaces are well ventilated
  • Outdoors, minimise the number of people you meet from outside your household or support bubble, follow the 'Rule of 6', including in gardens and public spaces
  • Large events and gatherings are strongly discouraged
  • Places of worship remain open but you must not socialise with people from outside your household or support bubble while you are indoors
  • Restrictions apply on how many people can attend weddings and civil partnerships (15 people) and funerals (30 people)
  • Work from home if you can
  • Continue to attend school: all education settings including registered childminders remain open
  • Avoid travelling on public transport at busy times: walk or cycle if you can. Follow Tier 2 (High) rules if you travel to a Tier 1 (Medium) area. Avoid travel to Tier 3 (Very High) areas
  • Businesses can continue to operate in a COVID-secure manner, other than those that remain closed by law: remember to check in wherever you see the QR code for the NHS COVID-19 app
  • Hospitality venues operating as restaurants can provide table service only, where alcohol is served, and will be closed between 11pm and 5am (last orders at 10pm)
  • Organised outdoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes can continue. Indoor sporting activity is only permitted if people can avoid mixing with others they do not live with or who are not in their support bubble
  • Remember 'hands, face, space'
  • If you have symptoms, however mild, follow self-isolation guidance and get a test

Further information about the Tiers can be found on gov.uk.

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