Fleet High Street pedestrianisation scheme to be reviewed

A full council meeting will discuss it today.

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 24th Sep 2020

The temporary closure of the centre of Fleet to traffic is due to be reviewed today in the wake of criticism over the scheme.

A full meeting of Hart District Council takes place tonight, with a motion on the agenda calling for the High Street to be reopened.

The council had previously said the scheme was to allow people to shop safely and to create more outside eating and drinking space.

But there has been some criticism over the move, including from North-East Hampshire MP Ranil Jayawardena.

Mr Jayawardena started a petition to get it re-opened to traffic, describing the scheme as a "nonsense":

"I've had an extraordinary number of people getting in touch telling me that the closure of Fleet Road has been a nightmare for them - that's residents, it's businesses, it's shoppers.

"We've just closed our town at a time when we need to be getting it open again.

"I'm very keen to stop this nonsense, stop it in its tracks."

He said the council had made a mistake:

"It seems to me that they were determined to dig their hills in on this, rather than listen to the views of local people.

"And it seems beyond that part of the problem here was that they didn't do a proper consultation with local residents which would have told them that this was going to be a disaster from day one."

The motion to remove road closures has been put forward by Councillor Anne Crampton - who states on the agenda:

"Despite great efforts and good intentions from all involved, it is now abundantly clear that the closure of Fleet High Street has not been a success.

"The negative impact on residents, particularly those living near the closure, of traffic congestion and the resulting pollution, has not been outweighed by any appreciable benefits to businesses.

"This Council therefore resolves to have the road closures removed and to reopen the High Street as soon as is possible."