Elderly Farnborough couple lose £7,000 to fake police officer scam

The pair in their 80s were contacted last by the scammer last week.

The couple received a phone call from the scammer in August.
Published 2nd Sep 2020

A warning from police after an elderly couple from Farnborough were scammed out of thousands.

Last week (27 Aug) the pair in their 80s were called by a man claiming to be a police officer investigating bank fraud.

The suspect said he was a detective from Hammersmith police and said he was investigating money laundering fraud connected to local banks.

The husband was told to call another number to verify the 'police officer's' identity but failed to disconnect the original call.

The victim was led to believe he was talking to a police controller and was persuaded the call was genuine before being 'transferred' back to the original suspect.

The couple were asked to visit their bank and withdraw the large amount of cash to assist with the investigation

The fake officer advised them to make up a reason for needing a large amount of cash in one go.

When the couple returned home they were told they should hand the money to a man the fake officer would send to collect the package.

The man turned up shortly after and took the package.

He was described as being a slim male in his 20s with dark brown hair and was wearing a long black coat.

Anyone with any information about this or any similar incident is asked to call police on 101 quoting reference 44200330389

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Hampshire Police is urging residents to look out for elderly relatives and friends.

How can you tell if it is a scam?

Police officers will never call people in this way and ask to withdraw money or disclose personal or financial information.

If someone does do this hang up – it will be a scam.

If you are a friend, relative or carer of someone you think might be vulnerable to this type of scam speak to them and offer them advice.