Eight-year-old from Surrey with complex needs unsupported

They have spent more than £55,000

Kathy and Luke
Published 4th Sep 2020

The parents of an eight-year-old who confuses faces and struggles to read and write say they were forced to remortgage their home to pay for private diagnoses and support.

Kathy and David Nason, of Ewell, have shelled out more than £55,000 in a five-year-long battle to convince Surrey County Council (SCC) to give their son the help at school he desperately needs.

It cost them more than £21,000 in legal fees alone, to appeal an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that mum Kathy, 43, said severely downplays the complexity and severity of Luke’s needs.

“I thought people would do their best for us,” she said. “We were naïve.

“He confused a tennis ball with an apple, he thought a toilet roll was a snake.

“We didn’t expect a massive battle with the school and the local authority. They ignored all our concerns.”

Luke has been diagnosed with dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder, an autistic spectrum disorder and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

The council’s special educational needs team admitted he met the criteria for a specialist nursery at age three, but he was not given a place because none were available.

Independent assessments placed Luke’s reading at below average after his school reported he had a good fluency.

Kathy says Ewell Grove Primary and Nursery School failed to apply for an EHCP from the council, so they had to do it themselves. The school was asked for a response, but directed us to Surrey County Council which said it could not comment on individual cases.

They also forked out thousands of pounds, taking out loans and maxing out credit cards, to pay for reports from an educational psychologist, paediatric occupational therapist and a speech and language therapist.

“We had to do it all independently,” said his mum, who used to work as an NHS manager but gave up her job to look after Luke.

“We’re not rich, but every single penny has gone on our son. We don’t go on holiday, everything has had to be put on hold, we’re in so much debt.

“We will throw every single penny at getting him support because we love him, we will do anything for him.”

The EHCP recommended occupational therapy, and a dedicated speech and language therapist to improve social communication. Luke received neither.

Left unsupported, his mum says he developed anxiety and aggressive behaviour. Since June 2019 he has not attended school after being medically signed off, and his parents have paid for private tuition since then.

The council has now agreed Luke should be in a specialist school, though he must be assessed in a home programme first.

His mum said she is crushed that it has taken so long. “A little boy with significant needs was allowed to go into an environment completely unsupported,” she said.

“Our child is traumatised, we’ve been through hell.

“He could have done so well, he’s a bright kid. With support he could have been in a completely different situation. The paediatrician said he could go to university.”

An SCC spokesman said: “In cases of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we always work in the best interests of the child and family, but we are not able to comment on the cases of any individual children.

“We are working hard to support all children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and we are committed to improving outcomes for these children so that they are happy, healthy, safe and confident about their future, and grow up with the same opportunities as their peers.”