Decision over Fleet High Street pedestrianisation expected this week

A report canvassing local businesses has found opinion is split.

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 26th Oct 2020

Hart District Council will decide this week whether to continue with the pedestrianisation of Fleet High Street beyond October.

Fleet Road has been shut temporarily since August to help with social distancing, but the move has divided opinion in the town.

An independent report has found nearly 2 in 5 businesses asked about the road closure said they were against the move.

It also found there is a lack of consensus on the issue - 36 per cent said they were in favour and 25 per cent were neutral.

Those in support cited the business benefits derived from pedestrianisation, an appreciation of the new environment, a recognition that high streets need to change and a willingness to try something new.

Areas of concern for some businesses were the inconvenience caused by problems associated with deliveries, and a frustration that passing traffic were not able to see their shop window.

The report recommends that as there is no clear consensus the scheme should be extended for further assessment. It also advises that any extension should include more investment and changes to help businesses overcome problems with deliveries.

The council says councillors will use this new report, together with traffic monitoring data and residents’ feedback, in deciding on the future of the scheme.