Dame Judi Dench backs Christmas appeal for Surrey charity

Crossroads Care supports unpaid carers who look after loved ones or the elderly

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 4th Dec 2020
Last updated 4th Dec 2020

Dame Judi Dench is fronting a Christmas campaign for a Surrey charity helping unpaid carers.

The actress, described as a 'national treasure', is the voice of an appeal this festive season for Leatherhead-based Crossroads Care.

The charity provides respite care and support for those who care for loved ones and older people living alone.

Dame Judi, who lives in the county, is urging people to support them this festive season, by donating to the charity.

The charity says it comes at a time when fundraising opportunities have dried up due to the pandemic.

In the appeal, Dame Judi says:

"There are so many people on their own that need our help at this time, and Crossroads Care Surrey are the people to go to.

"If you think you can make a donation or help in any way, please get in touch."

Jen Sanderson, the charity's head of fundraising, said they are thrilled to have her support:

"It's truly wonderful to have Dame Judi backing carers and those most vulnerable in society.

"This year, we have been limited in our ability to reach more people waiting to access vital services because we have been unable to benefit from community-based fundraising or rely on our regular fundraising events to bring in the additional income - income which means we can do more and give added-value for those who need our help the most."

Despite the challenges, the charity has managed to continue to provide professional respite care for carers and those most vulnerable during this year.

It has launched a new volunteer befriending call service and a community outreach support service which sees volunteers helping with shopping or prescriptions - and has helped more than 1,400 people so far this year.

Find out more about Crossroads here: crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk