Coronavirus: Surrey County Council warns of rising cases

The authority has highlighted an increase in infections in Elmbridge.

Published 3rd Sep 2020
Last updated 3rd Sep 2020

Surrey County Council has urged people to remain vigilant after an increase in COVID-19 cases.

It follows a small rise in infections, in particular in Elmbridge, and whilst authority bosses say they are not currently considering local lockdowns, they have warned we all need to follow the government guidance.

The county has a relatively low number of cases, but 104 new ones were confirmed in the past week – up from 95.

Last week Elmbridge had a rate of 17.5 cases per 100,000 population, the previous week it was 13.9.

Ruth Hutchinson, Surrey’s Director of Public Health said: “We are continually monitoring the data across the county, and we now need to call on residents in Elmbridge to further support us in reducing the spread of the virus.

“Everyone in Surrey has a role to play in slowing the spread – by keeping their distance and limiting contact with people outside their household, not meeting in groups of any larger than 6 people outdoors, washing their hands and wearing face coverings.

“If you have Coronavirus symptoms then you should self-isolate for 10 days from the onset of your symptoms, and book a test.

“We are still a long way from a local lockdown, if we all follow guidelines now, we can avoid this happening and keep Elmbridge Borough open.”

The council said they would continue to review the data on a daily basis.

If you have Coronavirus symptoms – a persistent cough, high fever, or a change in smell or taste – then you should book a test.