Closure orders for two flats in Farnborough after reports of anti-social activity

Author: Carol MusgravePublished 23rd Oct 2020

Closure orders have been issued for two neighbouring properties in Farnborough after reports of anti-social behaviour and disorder.

It comes after Hampshire Constabulary applied for the order over concerns which also included suspected drugs activity.

Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court approved the order under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 for the two ground floor flats in Robin Hood Close.

One is a full closure, the other is partial.

The orders last for three months. It means it is a criminal offence for anyone to enter either property - unless authorised by the police in the case of the full order, or are a named and authorised person in respect of the partial closure - during that period.

Any breaches are enforceable by arrest.

PC Kat Armstrong, from the Farnborough Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: "We’ve taken this step having received a number of reports in recent months about anti-social behaviour and disorder at these addresses.

"We listened to local residents' needs and concerns and worked in partnership with housing association A2 Dominion to take action.

"The activities of the occupants at these addresses had a negative effect on quality of life on those living nearby.

"This order would not have been possible without the help and co-operation of the local community, so we would like to thank them for their support.

"I hope this order sends out the message that we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour, and we will use every available power to stop it.

"If you are concerned about anti-social behaviour where you live, then please call your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101."