Aldershot bar fined £1000 after customers were found singing and dancing to live band

The penalty was given out in December before England went back into lockdown

Stock photo Bauer
Author: Grace McgachyPublished 6th Jan 2021

An Aldershot bar which allowed customers to dance and sing along to live music has been slapped with a fine.

De Lounge in Victoria Road was issued the £1000 penalty in December before England entered a third lockdown.

Officials from Rushmoor Borough Council and Hampshire Constabulary visited the venue.

They found that a live band was playing loud music, with people dancing and singing along.

Customers were dancing to the music, both in front of the band, and around the tables provided.

The Borough Council say many were in 'a state of intoxication' in circumstances that presented a very high risk of COVID transmission.

The owners of the venue had previously been warned of the public health risks arising from COVID and the need to observe regulations and guidance.

Rushmoor Borough Council’s Cabinet member for Operational Services, Councillor Maurice Sheehan, said:

“With cases of COVID rising rapidly, I am grateful to the officers of the council and the police for their diligence in swiftly tackling events like this which pose such a risk to our community.

“We have established a high level of compliance with the COVID restrictions in Rushmoor, but it is so disappointing that there are a few who fail to do what is needed. Their actions put themselves and our wider community at grave risk.

“The council, the police and our public health partners have worked tirelessly to advise and support businesses and residents, and I am genuinely proud of what has been achieved in our community. We are all in this together and our enforcement actions will be proportionate – but firm.

“There is plenty of excellent advice for businesses and residents on the GOV.UK website - and we must all play our part.”

Local Licensing Officer for Hampshire Constabulary, PC Phil Dennett, said:

“Evidence gathered at the time of our visit demonstrated a clear disregard for the requirements that are there to protect the whole community during this very difficult time.

"It is very disappointing that a licensed premise has been in breach of the clear legislation and guidance around hospitality venues that is designed to keep customers safe.”

A partner from De Lounge explained:

“We tried to do the right thing on the night with a difficult group. We have always been careful and we never had problems before.

"As a result, we have changed all our security and CCTV systems and we are trying the best we can to win trust back. We have cooperated fully with the council and the police.

“I feel really bad that it happened.

"We have to take blame, but we will do all that we can to comply in future.

"We are going through this difficult time with COVID together - we also have a community and family, and we are taking this very seriously.”

Can I leave the house?

People will only be allowed to leave their house for limited reasons, including shopping for essentials, work or education, exercise, and to seek medical assistance.

Mr Johnson said residents can leave their homes for shopping for necessities such as food and medicine, but only as infrequently as possible.

Are schools open?

Schools are closed to most pupils, except the children of key workers and those who are vulnerable. Teaching will continue remotely online.

Do I have to go into work?

People will be able to go to work if it is impossible to work from home, such as those working in the construction sector or who are critical workers. All others must work from home. Cleaners and other trades people will still be able to work in people's homes. Those shielding should not go to work
They are advised not to go to work even if they cannot work from home.

Are support bubbles still allowed?

Support bubbles are still allowed. This is when two households link up, effectively forming one household. Only certain people are allowed to form support bubbles, including adults living alone and single adults living with children. More information forming support bubbles can be found here.

Can I go shopping?

All non-essential shops, hairdressers and personal care venues must close. Essential shops, including food stores and supermarkets, will remain open.

Can weddings and funerals go ahead?

Weddings and funerals can go ahead with strict restrictions on the number in attendance. Funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people, while commemorative events such as wakes can be attended by 6 people. Weddings and civil partnerships can only take place with 6 attendees under exceptional circumstances, such as an urgent marriage where one person is terminally ill.

What's happening with universities?

Students studying courses which require formative training, such as medicine, dentistry, education, veterinary science and social work, will return to face-to-face teaching as normal. Students studying other courses should, where possible, remain where they are and start their term remotely with online learning.

Are restaurants and pubs closed?

All cafes, pubs and restaurants should close. Restaurants and other hospitality venues can continue delivery or takeaway services, but people will not be able to add alcohol to that order.

I want to exercise, are gyms open and sports allowed?

Gyms and leisure facilities must close. Exercise outside will be allowed – preferably limited to once a day – with members of your household or support bubble or one other person from another household, such as going for a walk or run. Exercise should be taken locally.

Can I go to church or other places of worship?

Places of worship can remain open for individual prayers and communal worship, but people should only visit with their household or support bubble and maintain social distancing throughout.

What about childcare?

All primary and secondary schools as well as colleges will move to remote learning, but early years settings such as nurseries and childminders can remain open, and existing childcare bubbles will be allowed to stay in place.

Can I play sport?

Outdoor gyms, tennis courts and golf courses must close, and outdoor team sports will not be permitted. Organised outdoor sport for disabled people can continue.

Premier League and other elite sports that already have in place strict testing regimes and their own bubbles will be allowed to continue.

Can I still move house?

Yes, people can still move house. Estate and letting agents and removals firms can continue to operate. You can still attend property viewings.