Afghan refugees arrive in Surrey

Author: Josh KerrPublished 24th Aug 2021

Almost 60 Afghan refugees have arrived in a Surrey borough.

The group of 58, including 10 women and 38 children, have moved into temporary accommodation funded by the Home Office in Spelthorne after completing quarantine.

Work is taking place with local authorities across the region to provide a longer-term solution.

Thousands of people have been attempting to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban took control of the country earlier this month.

Spelthorne Council Leader, Cllr Lawrence Nichols, said: “On behalf of Spelthorne residents, I want to extend a warm welcome to our guests.

“I am humbled by the offers of help we have had from Spelthorne residents and partners and I want to thank everyone who has got in touch.

“The Family Support team are working with these refugees and are establishing what support they need, and we will update you when we can on how best you can help.”