35 arrests following protests at M25 service stations

A protester in handcuffs while glued to a petrol pump in Kent
Author: Grace McGachyPublished 29th Apr 2022
Last updated 29th Apr 2022

35 people have been arrested after protesters descended onto two service stations on the M25.

Two groups of protesters turned up at Clacket Lane and Cobham Services at around 7am on Thursday 29 April.

35 people were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to commit criminal damage and aggravated trespass.

Surrey Police used specialist equipment after some of the protesters glued themselves to the pumps, to forecourt signs and to vehicles.

Significant damage was caused to the pumps on both forecourts, with a total of 35 pumps damaged at Cobham Services, and a further 20 pumps damaged at Clacket Lane.

Superintendent Graham Barnett said:

“Around 40 officers were involved following the activity by protest group Just Stop Oil at Cobham and Clacket Lane Services earlier today. Police responded after reports that pumps were being smashed up and that protesters were gluing themselves to pumps, vehicles and forecourt signs.

“We appreciate that this caused considerable disruption to motorists attempting to use the services and to the petrol stations themselves, who will also have suffered a huge financial loss as a result of this activity.

“All protesters have now been removed and 35 people are in custody. Both forecourts have reopened but unfortunately a large number of pumps have been damaged which means they have not currently in use. However, the HGV pumps were not targeted and are still open for lorry drivers.

“We were required to use officers trained in using specialist de-bonding equipment to safely remove the protesters, and this is a lengthy and complex process. Officers are also required to act within the law and are accountable for the decisions they make and the tactics they use.

“While we are required to facilitate peaceful protest, we will always take action against those who break the law and significantly impact on the lives and livelihoods of others, and clearly if officers are caught up dealing with protest activity, they are