Suffolk female only taxi driver service going from strength to strength, says owner

The female-led taxi service has been running for just under 2 months

Joanne Carr
Author: Jasmine OakPublished 14th Apr 2023
Last updated 14th Apr 2023

Two months since setting up her female driver only taxi service, a Suffolk woman tells us it’s been a huge success.

Joanne Carr set up Diamond Cars- a female-led service - just under two months ago, to ensure people feel safe getting a lift.

Joanne told us her boyfriend helped her get into the business, having been in it himself for 20 years.

Before setting her business up, she worked in the care service.

She told us about her decision: "I wanted to improve mine and my children's quality of life and so I gave it ago."

Although she has faced some derogatory comments, Joanne says she loves the work: I'm proud to be a female taxi driver!

"Even though some sectors of the world are not catered to women, we are getting there.

"I just want to create awareness and encourage people, especially women, to be more independent."

Why female drivers only?

Joanne told us all about her decision to make her business a female driver only company, explaining she is a "single parent to two teenage children" and a self-proclaimed "helicopter parent who would drive around anywhere for them":

"Even myself, I don't walk around the streets at night time because I don't deem it safe... I am always thinking about safety. It's drummed into me, it's who I am.

"I am a woman and I understand."

"I've dealt with weird people in my life...and I just want to help them be independent, but at the same time feel safe....

"It falls across both genders where males and females should feel safe, but I just like to go into it with the approach of I'll help anybody within reason...

"Sometimes females and males feel more comfortable with a female driver.

"I think that it's maybe not such a confrontational thing. It depends on the driver, but obviously, you don't know when you're getting in that car. I think it's just a preference really."

Joanne even takes it upon herself to look out for women on nights out, and has been known to offer free lifts to get them home, saying she's rather be "safe than sorry".

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