Suffolk school therapy dog is leading the way for wellbeing

Darcy the Sprocker Spaniel has been working for a year at Abbots Hall Community Primary School in Stowmarket

Therapy Dog Darcy with head Teacher Rachel Bailey and students
Author: Jasmine OakPublished 11th Jun 2023

"She's apart of the school...everyone loves her"

At Abbots Hall Community Primary School in Stowmarket not a bad word is said about one hard working staff member - therapy dog Darcy.

She is a 2-year-old Sprocker Spaniel, who has been working with staff and students for a year.

Headteacher and Mum to Darcy, Rachel Bailey told us initially Darcey was bought at 12 weeks old as a present to her husband, but once they saw how well she took to training Rachel thought about bringing her into school.

She took Darcy into school to see how she would respond and told us 'she would jump into the car every time the boot opened'

Once it was established Darcy liked school Rachel started the training to become a school dog and then she was assessed by a K9 behaviourist who "passed her with flying colours and said she was so suited to this job."

Darcy: The therapy dog

What's Darcy's job description?

Rachel told us more about how Darcey helps to make everyone feel better at school.

Darcy will greet pupils at the gate welcoming them to school. If a pupil is sad, Darcy knows the exact cuddle to give so they feel better.

It's an important step towards supporting student wellbeing, especially if a young person is facing a stressful situation at home.

Therapy Dog Darcy playing catch with head Teacher Rachel Bailey and students

What do the Children think?

Walking around the school, you could see all the children pet her. We asked a few what they thought about Darcy.

Stanley 7 years old: 'She's nice and soft like a teddy bear...' Because I was stressed about work, she came over and helped me to get less stressed, she makes me feel like my dog at home."

Felix, 7 years old: "She's really soft and she makes people feel calm when they're sad.. she makes me feel better..she's really calm around people."

Hydie 7 years old: "This is the first school that we've ever had a dog and Darcy likes other dogs and other children and she's always there to help us."

Will Therapy Dogs appear in more schools?

Daniel Jones CEO of the Children's Endeavour Trust, a partnership of schools in Suffolk who have established EAST School-Centred Initial Teacher Training to find and develop future teachers to work in this vibrant county.

He visited the school and told us Darcy has positively impacted the wellbeing for teachers as well and her presence at the school has been a success on many levels.

He told us it's an excellent idea, but there is a lot to be considered before bringing a dog into schools.

Headteacher Rachel Bailey, told us she has had interest from other schools, who ask her about Darcy and she takes her to other schools so they can experience time with a therapy dog.

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