Midge Ure to perform at Ipswich Regent for 'Voice & Visions' Tour

The ‘Voice & Visions’ tour is celebrating 40 years since the release of Ultravox’s 'Rage In Eden' and 'Quartet' albums

Published 22nd Feb 2023

Midge Ure and Band Electronica have announced they'll be performing in Ipswich later this year.

The ‘Voice & Visions’ tour is celebrating 40 years since the release of Ultravox’s 'Rage In Eden' and 'Quartet' albums.

They'll be at the Ipswich Regent on the 28th of April.

Transporting fans back to the decade of electronics, experimentation and synthesizers, highlights from both album will be showcased alongside landmark hits from Ure’s solo back catalogue.

Midge Ure said of the tour: "I can’t begin to tell you how great it feels to be back out touring after the uncertainty of the past two years and it is especially exciting to delve back in time and revitalise two standout albums from my career, Rage in Eden and Quartet.

"This is the logical and emotional follow up to the 1980 tour."

"It's a fantasic experience. If you don't know who I am, you'll probably enjoy some of it. If you do know who I am, you'll love it.

"If your other half knows Vienna and Fade to Grey, they're in for a great time!"

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Greatest Hits Radio (Ipswich & Suffolk)