Man fined £1,800 for flytipping in Ipswich

25 bags of rubbish were found dumped on Anglesea Road last year

Waste dumped on Anglesea Road
Author: Matt SoanesPublished 30th Mar 2023

An Ipswich man has been fined more than £1,800 for illegally dumping waste in the town.

Mr Petrauskas of Geneva Road was taken to court for Ipswich Borough Council for dumping 25 bags of rubbish onto private land in Anglesea Road in October 2022.

He was prosecuted after refusing to attend an interview under caution.

A spokesperson for Ipswich Borough Council, said: “This case demonstrates the commitment of our Environmental Protection team, who successfully prosecuted this individual for illegally dumping waste.

“Anyone thinking of dumping their waste illegally in Ipswich should think again, as we won’t tolerate this crime and will prosecute those doing so.”

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