Residents in Suffolk estate urged to "act now" to prevent tougher coronavirus restrictions

It follows a large rise in Covid-19 cases in the Moreton Hall area of Bury St Edmunds.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 29th Oct 2020
Last updated 2nd Nov 2020

According to West Suffolk Council there is evidence to suggest the spike in cases in the area involves a large amount of household transmission.

The authority is reminding people to adhere to the Rule of Six at all times, stay two metres apart from individuals outside of your household, and to avoid meeting with several different groups over a short period of time.

People are also reminded not to share drinking or eating utensils with people outside of your household, and are encouraged to meet outside or virtually if possible.

In an alert on West Suffolk Council's website, the authority said: "Please do not assume that you are safe if you, or people in your household, are not exhibiting any clear symptoms

"People who catch coronavirus may have either very mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. This means you could have the virus without knowing it, and pass it on to someone who could become very seriously ill or even die. "

If you or someone you've been in contact with recently has symptoms, the whole household must self-isolate for 14 days and arrange a test immediately.

Information on financial support for those self-isolating can be found on the council's website.