Labour, Greens, Lib Dems & Independents team up to run West Suffolk Council

It comes as the Conservatives - the largest party - lost seats in last month's local elections

Author: Matt SoanesPublished 25th May 2023

A coalition of Labour, Lib Dems, Greens and Independent councillors is to take over the running of West Suffolk Council, after the local elections earlier this month.

The Conservatives, who previously held the majority on the 64-seat local authority, lost 10 councillors but remain the largest party on 26 seats.

However opposition parties have now come together under the 'West Suffolk Working Partnership' banner to run the authority.

Labour's Councillor Cliff Waterman will be the new leader of the authority, while Councillor Victor Lukaniuk (a West Suffolk Independent) will be his deputy.

The following cabinet members have been appointed:

Planning: Cllr Jim Thorndyke (Independent)

Housing: Cllr Richard O'Driscoll (Labour)

Resources: Cllr Diane Hind (Labour)

Families and Communities: Cllr Donna Higgins (Labour)

Leisure: Cllr Ian Shipp (Independent)

Growth: Cllr Indy Wijenayaka (Labour)

Operations: Cllr David Taylor (Independent)

Governance and Regulatory: Cllr Gerald Kelly (Independent)

New West Suffolk Council leader Cliff Waterman

Cllr Waterman, Leader of West Suffolk Council, said: “I am delighted to have been elected to lead this council and deliver the priorities of all councillors who have come together as the West Suffolk Working Partnership.

"We recognise all communities and businesses across West Suffolk are currently facing enormous challenges and we are focused on working together to tackle these.

"We also have enormous assets in the shape of our people, businesses and heritage, and we will be working with partner organisations to make the most of them.

"In the coming days I will be outlining our priorities and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the WSWP and everyone in West Suffolk to help make West Suffolk the very best place in which to live, work or visit.”

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