A Suffolk woman on the Great Pottery Throw Down wants to encourage others to try something new
Hayley Rowlands from Aldringham is on the 8th season of the Channel 4 show
The Great Pottery Throw down is underway and this season is seeing another contestant from Suffolk.
Hayley Rowlands from Aldringham, near Leiston is competing in the 8th season after being a long-term fan since it began back in 2015.
Greatest Hits Radio spoke to Hayley about her journey into the studio, she told us it started when she needed to find a way to relax after work.
Hayley has been a social worker for 30 years.
"Clay is terribly therapeutic. It's cheaper than therapy doing pottery"
"I just thought I was going to go a bit mad if I didn't find some way of switching off. So I joined a local education class...I absolutely loved it, really loved it."
She explained that throughout her life, she would always return to pottery, even building herself a small studio in her garden hosting her own pottery classes and going part-time as a social worker to create her company 'breaking the mould pottery'.
"I really love celebrating asymmetry and a bit of trauma and all those things that maybe I've brought in through my other job and just through my life experiences. And I really like doing sort of sculptures and things."
She told us, for her, pottery is like art but it's more forgiving of your mistakes.
"If you're in a relaxing environment and it goes wrong, it's only clay and clay's great because you can squash it up and start again. Or you can reclaim and until something's actually fired it's all reclaimable, which is great. So you know, there's no pressure the same way as there is when you do an art piece,
"...I think clay is terribly therapeutic. It's cheaper than therapy, really doing pottery.".
Hayley told us she wants to inspire other people to try new things, even if it scares them.
"I think it's really good to role model doing things that are outside your comfort zone.
"I know people and work with people, have a lot of social anxiety and really struggle to do things.
"So it's a really good role modelling thing to do as well, isn't it? Putting yourself way beyond your comfort zone.
"That fear is only fear of public humiliation, though there isn't really anything to be frightened of. "It's not like there's a tiger on the show or anything that's actually going to harm you. But that fear can be very debilitating for some people.
"So it's a really good thing to face your fear sometimes. And if it isn't life-threatening, then you don't have as much to lose as you think you do."
Stand out moment
We asked Hayley what has been a memorable moment for her being on the show so far.
She revealed that the other contestants have been wonderful to work with and they encourage each other to do better.
"I was so quite blown away I think with how quickly we bonded as a group I know people say it, but it's so true it really is true, I think we're all friends for life.
"...We were so supportive of each other.
"The other thing that really pushes you more than anything, is just how talented the group of potters are.
"You suddenly realised from day one you're going to have to up your game. You're gonna have to really go for it. If you're gonna have any chance of staying in or getting potter of the week.
"I think the bar was set so high on episode one that we all thought, Oh my goodness, right, I'm going to have to really up my game now. And you learn.
"I think we all learn from each other and some of us help each other as well.
"...Behind the scenes, we're all sharing how to build stuff and techniques on making sure things don't crack."