Local charity create care packages for breast cancer patients

Littlelifts have put together the new packages for people going through radiotherapy treatment

Author: Adam GoacherPublished 26th Oct 2020
Last updated 26th Oct 2020

Breast cancer patients in Norfolk and Suffolk are being offered special care packages to help get them through radiotherapy treatment.

Local charity littlelifts are providing the packages full of items to support the possible side-effects of radiotherapy.

Littlelifts, which launched in 2017 already provides complimentary littlelift boxes for women facing chemotherapy treatment with oncology and breast care teams at five hospital partnerships across Norfolk and Suffolk.

Oa Hackett, Founder of littlelifts said: “The new radiotherapy offering is in response to a very real need among women receiving radiotherapy. After personally undergoing both chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, I felt enthusiastic to offer support to those also receiving radiotherapy.

It is estimated that in the next 12 months over 700 women in Norfolk & Suffolk will face radiotherapy as part of their cancer treatment. Each will receive a littlelift box on the first day of their treatment.

Oa added: “Feedback tells us that these women can often feel inferior to women who have undergone chemotherapy treatment, and do not think they need support, despite often struggling with low mood, anxiety and fatigue. Not only will every item in the box help make a difference to how someone is feeling but knowing that people care about what you are going through means even more.”

Commenting on how COVID-19 has impacted those undergoing treatment, Oa added: “Many women have continued to receive treatment during these tough times and we feel it’s vital to support women undergoing both chemotherapy and radiotherapy for breast cancer. These women have become more vulnerable during the pandemic and in need of more emotional support than ever. Any ‘little lifts’ we can bestow will make a marked difference and hopefully support their recovery too.”

The boxes include:

  1. Water bottle & cordial because it is important to stay hydrated during radiotherapy treatment
  1. Moisturiser – to keep skin moisturised and help reduce skin reactions
  1. Munchy Seeds – provide nutritious nibbles to snack on or sprinkle
  1. Teabags – herbal teas can aid sleep and help to calm and hydrate
  1. Hot chocolate – a hug in a mug for warmth and comfort
  1. Chocolate – for a little moment of luxury
  1. Deodorant – metal free deodorants can be a more gentle choice during radiotherapy
  1. Shower gel – using unperfumed shower gel or soap helps to keep the area clean during treatment
  1. Eye mask – a heated eye mask aids relaxation
  1. Cordial – add to still or sparkling water for a refreshing drink, also aids hydration.
  1. Tote bag – to carry all the essentials to radiotherapy treatment and always useful for shopping!

Many radiotherapy patients have to attend hospital for treatment daily, sometimes for up to three or four weeks. Commenting on this, Karon King, Breast Advanced Radiographer at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital said: “Attending every day for treatment can understandably take its toll. Fatigue, can lead to change in a patient’s physical and emotional wellbeing. Many also experience skin reactions which can sometimes be sore and uncomfortable.”

“I’m therefore delighted that these patients will receive a littlelifts box of treats. The contents are simply amazing and perfectly suited for breast radiotherapy patients. I know what an impact the boxes will have on patients, helping them to feel supported and cared for during a difficult time.”