Over half the population in the North West have had covid-19 vaccine

Almost four million people in the region have now had their jab

Almost four million people in the region have had their jab
Author: Adam SmithPublished 7th Apr 2021

The NHS in the North West has vaccinated more than 3.9 million people - over half the region's population - against Covid-19, with the number receiving their second dose reaching a new weekly high.

More than 579,000 people in the region have now received their second jab.

Regional Director of Commissioning (North West), Dr Linda Charles Ozuzu, said: “At the same time as increasing second doses week on week, we are continuing to work to ensure that eligible people who have not yet taken up the offer to be vaccinated are not left behind.

“I’d urge everyone who has received an invite to come forward and get their life-saving vaccine, not only to protect themselves, but also those around them.”

The NHS has been inviting those eligible for a jab by letter and text with GPs also calling some patients.

Barbara is 87-years-old and has had both of vaccines now, she said: "It was extremely well organised, running to time, there were about four to five people in front of us and it just all went through as quickly as anything. Never felt the needle, no after effects and I thought it was brilliantly organised.

"I'm extremely proud that I'm living in the UK with this successful vaccine rollout, I'm very optimistic that soon we will be able to get back to what is a new normal.

"As I was one of the clinically extremely vulnerable people I feel very grateful and much safer now I can socialise with other people, obviously at a distance."