Teaching union demands tougher Covid-19 safety measures for South Yorkshire schools

The NEU is worried classrooms are still unsafe for pupils and staff

91 percent of pupils received a place at their first preference school
Author: Jemma HallPublished 27th Jan 2021
Last updated 27th Jan 2021

There are concerns South Yorkshire's schools aren't safe enough for kids to return - whenever that may be.

While homeschooling parents are still anxiously waiting for a date to send their children back to the classroom, teaching unions have raised issues with safety measures.

Key worker and vulnerable children are currently in class, but the NEU says Covid school rules must be tightened, before they open up to more students.

The union is worried about the use of face masks and social distancing.

Joint Divisional Secretary, Tony Maillinson, said: "There is considerable anxiety about how safe schools have been, are and will be after lockdown. Schools are the only workplaces in the country where face coverings are not required in enclosed spaces.

"There are two massive holes - which the government has insisted remain - which are social distancing and face coverings. It is not keeping society safe and so much more work needs to be put in to trying to make those things happen in schools.

"As so many students are in as vulnerable or key worker students, schools are still struggling to maintain adequate precautions.

"We don't see schools as safe, and many of our members are concerned about it."

The government has been contacted for a response.