Top education experts to drive up standards in Doncaster

A team of national experts are being brought in to drive up the standard of education in Doncaster

Published 6th Feb 2016

A team of national experts are being brought in to drive up the standard of education in Doncaster

An independent review will be carried out by a new Education and Skills Commission, with its final report expected in Summer.

The aim is to make sure young people in the town have the skills needed to get jobs

The independent review has been set up by Doncaster Council and its partners, and the town's Mayor Ros Jones.

The Commission is expected to hear a range of evidence from local parents, businesses and education and training providers, before putting forward its proposals for improvement.

Speaking about the plans, Mayor Jones said: “Job creation and economic growth are vital to Doncaster and I have made them my top priority as Mayor.

"We need more highly skilled, well-paid jobs to benefit Doncaster and its residents. Great progress is being made, but it will be for nothing if local people aren’t able to benefit from the opportunities that are being created.

"At the moment the overall level of skills and qualifications in the borough are not where they need to be, so we need to be honest about the situation and take action."

The independent commission will be chaired by Dr Ann Limb CBE DL who is a leading national expert on further education and skills.

The Vice Chair will be Prof. Sir Tim Brighouse, one of the country’s leading educationalists who recently led the London Challenge which has delivered huge improvements in their secondary school performance.

Dr Ann Limb said: “With so many positive developments taking place in Doncaster right now this is a good time to take stock of the local education system. I am keen to see how we can help the council and its partners improve the career prospects of young people across the borough.”