Teachers across South Yorkshire believe plans to 'level up' education 'don't go far enough'
It's following the Government's release of the Schools White Paper yesterday
Teaching staff across South Yorkshire feel the Government's plans to 'level up' education over the coming years are 'underwhelming'.
It's following the release of the Schools White Paper on Monday, which sets out the aim of improving GCSE results at secondary schools in both maths & English by 2030.
However, Pepe Di'iasio-who's the Headteacher at Wales High School in Rotherham-thinks it's too focussed on targets for the long-term:
"At a time when most Headteachers will be worried about staff attendance rates, the run up to the exams this summer and making sure that students are well prepared for their GCSE's-I don't think this white paper speaks to the current climate.
"It doesn't really highlight what is needed in education right now.
"It's also important that we recognise that the curriculum is more than just English and maths. We need to consider other subjects as well, like the creative arts, design & technology, the performing arts and sports."
Despite this, Mr. Di'iasio believes proposals to potentially increase the starting salary for teachers will persuade more people to consider a career in the profession:
"Many young people who are at university right now will be attracted to the idea that starting salaries for teachers are being moved up to £30,000 per year.
"This may also help retain a lot of staff going forwards too."
You can read the Schools White Paper in full on the link below: