Spectators set for the St Leger Festival

Author: Jaimielee RendallPublished 9th Sep 2020
Last updated 9th Sep 2020

Allowing spectators into the St Leger Festival race meeting is a "major risk'' as coronavirus restrictions tighten, according to the mayor of Doncaster.

The four-day meeting, which starts on Wednesday and culminates on Saturday with the oldest classic horse race, has been identified as a pilot event for allowing in limited numbers of spectators.

But concerns are growing that the plan is counter to moves to tighten restrictions in England, with comparisons being made to the decision to go ahead with the Cheltenham Festival in March, just before the lockdown.

Doncaster's elected Labour mayor Ros Jones said in a statement: "My personal opinion remains that the festival is a major risk for the borough that I would rather not see happen but there are no current grounds that can be escalated for it to be held behind closed doors.

"This event, I reiterate, has been imposed upon the borough by government as part of a national pilot for spectators to return to sporting events.''

Ms Jones said: "I fully recognise the need to get back to some sort of normality and appreciate the economic benefits that the St Leger Festival brings to Doncaster but I believe the risk is too great as we are seeing rising infection rates nationally.

"I urge everyone attending the St Leger Festival to follow the guidance, ensure social distancing and to keep themselves and others safe. I would also ask people to behave responsibly in and outside of the racecourse and help the festival pass successfully for the borough.''

Since racing resumed after lockdown at Newcastle on June 1, it has been restricted first to essential staff and from early July onwards owners too.

Doncaster Racecourse is run by Arena Racing Company, and its racing division managing director Mark Spincer said: "There are nerves, absolutely.

"I think the team has done an amazing job, and we're still finalising and tweaking things - and we'll probably do that every day of the four.

"But we're set, tickets have gone out - which are all advance sales, because we're not doing walk-ups.''

Mr Spincer acknowledged the stakes are high as the feasibility of racing crowds is put to the test on Wednesday.

He added: "Nobody needs to tell us how important this is - not only for Doncaster and Arena but for the industry and sport as a whole, the leisure sector and the hospitality industry need us to get this right.''

Director of public health for Doncaster Dr Rupert Suckling confirmed that the event is to go ahead with "considerable planning and public health requirements in place''.

He said: "I appreciate this decision is one that will divide people in Doncaster and maybe further afield given the strength of feeling of both sides of this debate.

"However from a public health perspective, I insisted on stringent tests being met before I could be assured and confident that the event should proceed with spectators.

"I am now assured and satisfied that the racecourse, which has been positively working with us and other partners in the borough, has put the required measures in place to ensure the festival can be as safe as it can be.

"I will be monitoring the situation on a daily basis and will take any necessary action.''

Dr Suckling said the nationally published seven-day infection rate from September 4 is 2.6 per 100,000.

This places Doncaster at 145 out of 149 local authorities in England.