Sheffield Wednesday owner pledges to get Owls back to Premier League

Dejphon Chansiri says he's 'so sorry' the club didn't make the Premier League - but is promising to do all he can to make sure the Owls go all the way next season.

Dejphon Chansiri's misconduct charges have beendropped by the EFL
Published 31st May 2016

The owner of Sheffield Wednesday says he's 'so sorry' the club didn't make the Premier League - but is promising to do all he can to make sure the Owls go all the way next season.

Dejphon Chansiri has put out a statement on the club's website saying he's 'hurting', but he pledges to do everything he possibly can to ensure a return to the top flight.

He also described the scenes at Wembley on Saturday as 'incredible' - saying the fans are a credit to themselves.

Chansiri - who bought the club in January 2015 - says the support this season was 'unrivalled':

> "Right now, I am hurting and so sorry that we could not take that final step and end our 16-year exile from the top flight. > > > > > "But be assured of one thing – Sheffield Wednesday will be back. We will shake off this hurt, regroup over the summer and return with the intention of going all the way next season. And as your chairman, I pledge I will do everything I possibly can to ensure we do exactly that. > > > > "Because you, the fans, deserve to be in the Premier League. You are Premier League. Almost everyone who was at Wembley on Saturday came away talking more about what they saw off the pitch rather than on it. > > > > "I thought those scenes were incredible – I have never seen anything like it and neither have a lot of people who have been in football for many, many years. You are all a credit to yourselves and to our club and I would like to sincerely thank every single one of you for the truly remarkable way in which you supported the team. > > > > "Your backing all season was unrivalled and without that level of support, our journey would not have been possible, of that I am sure. > > > > "Those scenes on Saturday will stay with me for a very long time and only increase my desire and total commitment to take us back to where the football world saw this club belongs – the Premier League. "