Sheffield shop loses license after 16-year-old hospitalised

Published 26th Jan 2016

A dad whose son had to be rushed to hospital after a Sheffield off-license sold him a bottle of vodka says he hopes no other parent has to go through what he did.

The HK Off Licence and Mini Market in Crookes had its licence revoked by Sheffield City Council’s licencing board today after it was revealed they sold the spirit to a 15-year-old boy who then drank it with his 16-year-old friend.

The 16-year-old was later taken to hospital after the boys downed the alcohol in a local park.

His dad - who does not want to be identified - has welcomed the decision to take away the licence: “It was extremely distressing and worrying witnessing the effect the alcohol had on our son and I hope no other parent has to go through the same ordeal.

“If it hadn’t been for the kindness of strangers who brought our boy home when they found him drunk in the park I shudder to think what may have happened next. He had cuts and bruises all over him, he was in a terrible state.

“He was dangerously drunk and it was obvious he needed hospital treatment and fast. I have never been so scared in my life as I watched a team of doctors and nurses cutting off my son’s clothes and putting him on oxygen to revive him."

The same shop was involved in another incident where alcohol was sold to underage boys last November.

One 15-year-old became unconscious after buying ÂŁ50 of alcohol from the off-licence then drinking it with his friends. It also emerged during the hearing that the mini market had been selling legal highs to youngsters as well.

Cllr Jackie Drayton, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet Member for Children Young People and Families said: “I am appalled that this shop owner could behave so irresponsibly and flout the licensing laws.

"As a member of the business community he has a part to play in making sure all children and young people are protected – the contempt and disregard this man showed to safeguarding children is shocking.

"This was a dreadful situation for the young people and their parents – children cannot absorb alcohol in the same way an adult can. I’m just glad this did not end in a terrible tragedy, as it could have done."