Search resumes for missing Rotherham men at Didcot Power Station

The search for three demolition workers killed when Didcot power station partially collapsed in February has resumed.

Published 18th Jul 2016

The search for three demolition workers killed when Didcot power station partially collapsed in February has resumed.

A remote-controlled explosion brought down the remaining part of the decommissioned structure in Oxfordshire on Sunday.

Site owner RWE Npower said in a statement:

"The controlled explosive demolition of the remaining boiler house structure at Didcot A Power Station took place today at 6am.

"The demolition was carried out with the help of remote operated robots for safety reasons and went ahead as planned. All of the structure was brought down.''

The area and debris had to be inspected and ruled safe before the search for Ken Cresswell, 57, and John Shaw, 61, both from Rotherham, South Yorkshire and Chris Huxtable, 34, from Swansea, was resumed for the first time since May.

Only the body of Michael Collings, 53, who was also killed by the collapse, has been recovered so far.

RWE Npower said:

"We understand that the time taken to locate Ken Cresswell, Chris Huxtable and John Shaw has been deeply upsetting for their families.

"Now that the building has been brought down an inspection has confirmed that the area and debris pile are safe and our contractors have resumed the recovery operation.

"We will continue working seven days a week 12 hours a day to help return these families' loved ones to them as soon as possible."

Thames Valley Police said in a statement:

"The absolute priority of our multi-agency response remains the recovery of the missing men, so they can be returned to their families, and to understand what caused this tragic incident.''

The building - which was due for demolition when it partially collapsed - was previously too unstable to be approached and a 50-metre exclusion zone was set up around what was left of the building.