Prime Minister praises Hallam's Mission Christmas campaign in Parliament

She spoke about the Cash For Kids appeal during PMQs

Author: Ben BasonPublished 12th Dec 2018

The Prime Minister Theresa May has praised Hallam's Cash For Kids charity for helping disadvantaged children with their Mission Christmas campaign.

She was responding to a question about the appeal from Hillsborough and Brightside MP Gill Furniss during Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons this afternoon.

Gill asked her:

"Last week I hosted an event to raise money for Hallam FM's Mission Christmas, a charity doing fantastic work helping children in need in my constituency.

"Many of the 41% percent of children living in poverty in my community will really need help this Christmas. What message does the Prime minister have for those who are working hard to make ends meet but will find themselves forced to rely on foodbanks for their family's Christmas meal and Mission Christmas for their children's presents?"

The Prime Minister replied:

"Can I first of all say how good it is that Radio Hallam has been doing this work. There are many charities up and down the country who do work to ensure that they can provide a better Christmas for many children than they would otherwise have. That is important.

"We don't want to see people relying on foodbanks but the way to ensure that people are able to provide for themselves, without having to rely on foodbanks, is to make sure people are in work, that work is well-paid and that work always pays. And that's exactly what we've been doing."

Mission Christmas aims to make sure no child wakes up in South Yorkshire without a present on Christmas Day, by encouraging people to buy an extra gift to donate to disadvantaged local kids or to donate money so the charity can buy one on their behalf.

There's more information on how you can get involved in Mission Christmas here.