Police chief's apology to Hillsborough families

South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable David Crompton has said his force ``unequivocally'' accepts the verdict of unlawful killing

Published 26th Apr 2016

The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police admitted the force got the policing of the Hillsborough match catastrophically wrong'' as he accepted the unlawful killing verdicts and apologised to the victims' families.

David Crompton said relatives of those who died had been failed, and that officers will now take time to carefully reflect on the implications of the verdicts''.

He read a contrite statement to waiting journalists and camera crews outside the force's headquarters in Sheffield, but did not take questions.

Mr Crompton said: I want to make it absolutely clear that we unequivocally accept the verdict of unlawful killing and the wider findings reached by the jury in the Hillsborough Inquests.

On 15th April 1989, South Yorkshire Police got the policing of the FA Cup semi-final at Hillsborough catastrophically wrong. It was and still is the biggest disaster in British sporting history. That day 96 people died and the lives of many others were changed forever. The force failed the victims and failed their families.

Today, as I have said before, I want to apologise unreservedly to the families and all those affected.''

There are two ongoing criminal investigations into the Hillsborough disaster - focusing on the tragedy itself and allegations of corruption in the aftermath - that are expected to be completed in December or January.

Mr Crompton went on: These inquests have been the longest inquests in British legal history, with nearly 300 days of evidence heard. Whilst these have been lengthy and difficult proceedings, they have once and for all provided a fresh opportunity to explore all of the available evidence about what happened. This has enabled the jury to reach the verdicts that they have today.

The Hillsborough disaster changed the way in which major sporting events are policed and very many lessons have been learnt. With improvements in training, communications and technology, it is almost impossible to consider how the same set of circumstances could arise again today. We will now take time to carefully reflect on the implications of the verdicts.

We recognise that this is an important day for the families of those who died at the Hillsborough disaster and for everyone affected by what happened. They have waited 27 years for this outcome. Our thoughts are with them.''

Home Secretary Theresa May said she will make a full statement to Parliament on Wednesday.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said those who had peddled vile and malicious lies'' about Liverpool fans being drunk and unruly on the day of the disaster should beheld to account''.

He said: I pay tribute to the families and friends of all the victims of the tragedy - as well as many others from the city of Liverpool - for the passionate and dignified campaign they have fought for almost three decades. Today they received total vindication for their fight for the truth and for justice.

In the immediate aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster there were some who painted those that died and the fans of Liverpool FC as drunken yobs and thieves. The findings of this inquest clearly show that to have been a lie - fan behaviour didn't cause or contribute to the disaster and the fans have been exonerated of any blame.

All those that attended the semi-final 27 years ago were innocent victims and it is time that those who peddled those vile and malicious lies recognise the deep hurt they have inflicted on tens of thousands of innocent people - and are held to account.''

Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall, who was at Hillsborough at the time of the disaster, said: All of us in Liverpool and across the country will be pleased with this result. For far too many years - 27 long years - the questions have remained unanswered and no responsibility has been taken for the appalling events of that day.

At last the process of justice can begin, and the process of healing can have a chance. I will never forget that day, nor will the city of Liverpool, but justice will go some way to soften the pain.''

Chief Superintendent Tim Jackson, national secretary of the Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales, said: The inquests have been a very long and extremely difficult process for everyone involved, and our thoughts and our sympathies are with the families of those who died in this tragedy.

Even though the inquests have concluded, there are ongoing investigations by the IPCC and Operation Resolve which involve former members of the Association who we are supporting.

We are unable to make any further comment until these investigations are complete.''

A statement from lawyers Burton Copeland on behalf of retired senior South Yorkshire Police officers, former deputy chief constable Peter Hayes, former assistant chief constable Stuart Anderson and former assistant chief constable Walter Jackson, said: Following the announcement of the findings in the Hillsborough inquests, Peter Hayes, Stuart Anderson and Walter Jackson sincerely hope the families have found some solace and closure, following the tragic loss of so many loved ones.

Our three clients have long since retired from the police service, Peter Hayes having completed 37 years' service, Stuart Anderson and Walter Jackson 35 years' service each. All three co-operated fully with the inquests and gave evidence to the jury, transcripts of which are fully available.

The media are asked to bear in mind that our clients are all in their late 70s and each of them suffer medical conditions, some of which have been disclosed to the coroner.

There are further ongoing investigations, in view of which all three have been advised that they should refrain from making any further comment about this terrible tragedy.

Media commentators and journalists are requested to direct any inquiries to their solicitors, Burton Copeland, Manchester, who will deal with them as far as they are able.''

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings, a retired priest who tried to help bewildered and frightened'' families on the day of the tragedy, accepted that the force had failed at the time.

He said: There is nothing that can do justice to the magnitude of the failure. We can only hope that these verdicts today contribute in some way to the healing that the grieving families need and that has been denied them for so long.

I must also think about the impact this verdict will have on the morale of today's force and the ongoing implications for policing. Most of the men and women who serve in South Yorkshire Police today were not serving in 1989. But they feel under the same censure and it is a big burden to carry. It is not the only burden from the past that the force has.''

Paying tribute to the families, he added: These verdicts will never change the terrible loss that they have suffered, or the years of waiting for resolution, but I hope they now feel that they have some closure to what has been a very long and traumatic process for them.''

Mr Billings said the total cost of supporting the current Chief Constable and former officers who were granted interested person status in the inquest will be ÂŁ25.1 million.

The PCC was given ÂŁ20.4 million up to the end of March 2016 from the Home Office to support the current Chief Constable and former officers who were granted interested person status in the inquest, and spent an additional ÂŁ4.3 million.

The costs for 2016/17 are estimated to be in the region of ÂŁ0.4 million.