Penistone man writes song to tackle stigma around eating disorders

Tristan Drew's fiancée struggled to get support and treatment for her eating disorder.

Published 5th Mar 2016

A South Yorkshire man's told Hallam FM he wants to help break down the stigma surrounding eating disorders after he felt 'helpless' watching his partner struggle to get support.

Tristan Drew's fiancee Laura, from Penistone, is now in recovery but she's battled with anorexia and bulimia for over fifteen years.

It was only while she was in therapy for those conditions that she was finally diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Tristan said:


"We saw the horrendous battle she went through trying to not only get in to therapy but to be taken seriously by people and get the treatment and help she needed.

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"It's very hard because a lot of the time you feel helpless. It's not the easiest thing to see someone you love go through such torement on a daily basis and not really being able to help them other than being there to support them. There's nothing you can do to take their pain away."

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As part of his band he's now written a song to help raise awareness of what eating disorders are and to help people understand them.

Tristan added:


"People still think that an eating disorder is very much a fashion statement and people choose to starve themselves because they want to be thin without realising that it's a mental disorder. It can have actually have quite serious consequences because it does, and will, kill if not treated."

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All the money raised will also go towards two charities B-eat and SYEDA (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association) which support people in South Yorkshire.