#OnTheInside - where can I get domestic abuse support?

There's lots of help available if you're experiencing domestic abuse

Author: Ben BasonPublished 25th Sep 2020
Last updated 28th Sep 2020

If you're suffering from domestic abuse, you are not alone.

There are many organisations across South Yorkshire working hard to support victims of abuse through the coronavirus pandemic.

You can call the police on 101, or 999 if it's an emergency. If it's not safe to call, you can report online here.

But there's also support from charities and organisations who can offer advice, guidance, mental health support and practical help if you want to flee from an abuser.

Who you should contact depends on where you live in South Yorkshire:


Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS)

Website: www.idas.org

Helpline: 0808 808 2241

Domestic Abuse Coordination Team (DACT)

Website: www.sheffielddact.org.uk/domestic-abuse


Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS)

Website: www.idas.org

Helpline: 03000 110 110 North Yorkshire and Barnsley


Rotherham Rise

Website: www.rotherhamrise.org.uk

Helpline: 0330 2020571


Doncaster Domestic Abuse Hub

Website: www.doncaster.gov.uk/domesticabuse

Helpline: 01302 737080

Say It offer specialist domestic abuse for the LGBT communty

Website: www.sayit.org.uk/callitout

There's also a National Domestic Abuse Helpline which can offer support: 0808 2000247