Latest update following fire at disused nightclub in Barnsley

Published 25th Aug 2016

A week on from a major fire in Barnsley town centre, the leader of the Council is thanking people in the town for their 'resilience and patience'.

Westway will stay closed until further notice following the blaze at the old Chicago Rock nightclub.

The council say it's a crime scene so they're limited in what they can do.

Historic England has been closely involved, with a representative currently undertaking technical assessments around the condition of the building.

The outcome of an independent structural report is due soon and Barnsley Council says it will be serving notice on the building owner to find out what their plans regarding demolition are.

Westway will remain closed until further notice but is being assessed daily and once demolition is confirmed, the council will look to open up roads as quickly and safely as possible.

A safety cordon is still in place and security staff will be monitoring the area over the weekend and bank holiday Monday.

The Alhambra shopping centre continues to open from 7.30am to allow people to use it as a short cut.

Businesses are still suffering disruption but have had escorted site visits so they can access their properties.

An assessment of damage to Wellington House, where the Central Library and other services are based, is due to take place soon, although it will remain closed for the time being.

Barnsley Credit Union is currently operating from the Civic on Eldon Street, the Citizens Advice Bureau is being run from Darton LIFT Centre and the Central Library will be running a pop up library in the Better Barnsley Shop on the precinct from Friday, 26 August holding various sessions.

Leader of Barnsley Council, Sir Steve Houghton CBE, said: "On behalf of the council I’d like thank again businesses and the people of Barnsley for the resilience and patience they have shown over this past week of disruption. We are doing our very best to get things back to normal as soon as possible.”