Former Sheffied addict: kids need more education on dangers of drugs

Schools in South Yorkshire need to be teaching their kids more about the dangers of drugs - that's the message from a former addict in Sheffield

Published 14th Sep 2016

A former Sheffield drug addict's told Hallam schools need to teach their kids more about the dangers of them.

Steve Shaw was addicted to meth for 7 years and almost died he became so ill.

He's now been clean for 16 years and has set up an organisation to tour schools offering drug education sessions.

Dying For Drugs will also help find solutions for those already addicted.

He told us it's important children are educated about them:

"There are more drug dealers on the streets than there are shops and they're selling them to kids which is wrong - for kids at an early age it's just wrong."

"What they don't realise is what they're putting into their bodies because they're mixed with all kinds of chemicals- even the cannabis is grown hydroponically. They add chemicals and all sorts of stuff to it. The kids think it's safe to do it and cannabis is seen as a normal thing these days by kids. They really don't know the long term effects and the dangers they're putting themselves in."

Steve's now trying to raise ÂŁ25,000 to try and get the project off the ground.

The money will go towards an educational video, presentation equipment and transport around and will also benefit Sheffield charities helping those with drugs problems.

Steve says he's hoping to use his own experiences to teach others:

"It did actually tear my life apart - I'm quite surprised I'm alive today to tell my story. I've seen my friends' childrens on drugs that are killing themselves. I know what I'm talking about with addiction and drugs becuase I've been down that road. I know where they're heading and it's not a good place - people need to warn them about it."

"A lot of schools aren't doing it because they think they don't have a drugs problem. These kids they need to be informed completely about all kinds of drugs. They need to know what's in them, they need to know what to do in an emergency and how to go about dealing with facing their problems other than taking drugs."

Dying for Drugs is looking for volunteers to help the project - people interested can email

If you want to help Steve's fundraising you can on his page here.