Experts: many South Yorkshire people 'unaware' they're not insured for flooding

Parts of our county were underwater in November

Author: Ben BasonPublished 6th Feb 2020

People across South Yorkshire are being warned they could 'lose everything' if they don't check they're insured for flooding.

Hundreds were affected here three months ago when the River Don burst its banks but experts say many realised they weren't covered because of a clause in their insurance.

Pam Webb's spa in Fishlake was devastated by floodwater back in November. She'd always been covered for flooding before, but didn't find out until afterwards that her latest renewal excluded it.

She accepts it was her fault she didn't notice it, but says it's an easy mistake to make:

"I was checking out lots of the other detail. There are lots of things to consider and, because flood had always been included, I just missed that point entirely.

"It's a hard lesson and a hard price to pay and what I want to make sure is that other people don't find themselves falling foul of this."

Pam's had extensive work on her spa since the flood and has now reopened for business.

But she says not getting help from an insurer has had a big impact:

"It's coping with it physically, having to get on and do the work to recover and get the business up and running. But it also takes a mental toll. That can't be underestimated and there can't be a price put on that. And also obviously the financial strain that it puts you under.

"We've all gone through a mixture of emotions really - from the heartbreak, the frustration of the delay, the annoyance of why it happened. The village, for want of a better word, is a ghost-town at the moment.

"The advice that I would give to anyone is go now and look at your insurance policy. And if you're unsure about anything contact your broker or contact the insurance company directly and ask the question."

Flood insurance experts say it's a common problem. Chris Jenkins is from Farmer & Mercantile Insurance Brokers (FMIB):

“Complacency could mean thousands of other businesses face the same fate as Pam. Many parts of the country have been hit by a deluge or rain and storms in recent weeks and months, causing untold damage and distress.

“In the UK, flood risks are increasing, due largely to the effects of climate change and an increasing population – and this is only going to get worse.

“What many business owners do not realise is that although some protection can be provided for homeowners as part of the government’s Flood RE initiative, this does not apply to commercial"