Endometriosis: People in South Yorkshire call for 'greater empathy' in the workplace

A parliamentary debate on the matter is due to take place this afternoon

Author: Chris Davis-SmithPublished 9th Feb 2022

There's a call for women across South Yorkshire-who're living with endometriosis-to be given more leeway in their jobs.

It's ahead of a debate in Parliament on the issue this afternoon which's based on supporting people with the condition in the workplace.

31-year-old Chloe Burbeary from Sheffield was diagnosed with endometriosis six years ago and says she's faced plenty of discrimination as an employee:

"I've had managers and teammates who have been awful to me in the past. They've talked behind my back and made me feel so unwelcome to the point that I've left certain roles.

"There's nothing I can do about the condition but I have been made to feel awful about it by people at work in years gone by.

"So, who's going to want to go to work every day knowing that people are talking about you and making you feel like you can't do your job.

"I do work now, but I can only work part-time. It's a lot less hours than I used to do compared to when I was full-time.

"I'm only able to do the job I do now because I can work from home if I need to.

"If I didn't have that option in place for when I'm having a bad day or a bad week with this condition, then I wouldn't be able to work at all.

"It can put me in bed for days at a time when my symptoms are bad. Sometimes, I have to use my wheelchair just to get around. On one occasion, I wasn't physically able to get out of bed for a couple of months because of the pain.

"Any debate on endometriosis is amazing, because it just needs to be talked about in general-not only the workplace-so that the awareness improves going forward.

"One day, if we keep talking about it, we may see a cure.

"That may not arrive in time for this generation of sufferers, but possibly in time for the next generation."

The debate is due to get underway at Westminster from 2.30pm.

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