Disabled People Against Cuts in Sheffield: PM's speech 'did very little' to reassure the disabled community

Sir Keir Starmer addressed the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool yesterday

Author: Chris Davis-SmithPublished 25th Sep 2024

Disabled people across South Yorkshire & North Derbyshire tell us the Prime Minister's speech yesterday did 'very little' to help reassure them about the future.

On Tuesday - Sir Keir Starmer outlined his proposals for the future at the Labour Party conference - which included a 10-year plan for the NHS, a real living wage and rebuilding public services.

However, Jennifer Jones - from Disabled People Against Cuts in Sheffield - says she doesn't feel comfortable about what could happen in the months ahead:

"There should be area of a modern town or city in 2024 across the UK that isn't accessible to somebody who has a physical, mental, or emotional disability.

"Despite this, some people can't afford to do something as simple as keep their home warm.

"If people can't afford to keep their electricity meter on, or pay their bills in order to power up their large battery on their scooter or wheelchair, then we've got huge, huge problems.

"Something so simple - which a lot of people don't think about - is that some types of medicine need to be refrigerated.

"So, if people aren't able to keep their electricity on, and their medicine goes mad, then people can end up in hospital because of this. It's a killer."

The first Autumn Budget from the new Labour government is set to be delivered next month.